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DASC Swimmer selected for SE North East Region Training Camp


- News, Successes

Congratulations to Lucy oliver (Top Squad) who has been selected to attend the Swim England North East Region Swimming Training Camp.

 The camp forms part of the Swim England national swimming talent pathway and will provide an opportunity for swimmers to develop their technical, tactical, physical and lifestyle skills with swimmers of a similar age and ability from across the region. The camp will also provide an opportunity for swimmers to work with different coaches and to train in a different environment. We hope that the camps will be a positive and rewarding experience, with the intention of them being a stepping-stone for you to progress to further camps in the future. 

The camp will engage with athletes in the 12 year old age group where age is defined as at 31st December 2021.  The one day training camp will include two pool sessions, strength and conditioning dry land training and a classroom based session.  

Well done Lucy! Good luck with the camp and enjoy the experience.